Don’t Make it Dirtier Than it Has to Be

Going to the bathroom is already one of the not-so-dreamy experiences of the day. The standard experience isn't built for all bodies, produces waste and if not done properly, it can lead to discomfort, rashes, and UTIs.

That's where our team came in: We wanted to stay fresh and clean wherever we were, be as inclusive as possible, and limit our ecological footprint: all without breaking the bank.

Enter the GenieBidet™

Our team of hygiene freaks focused on finding the best and least invasive designs to keep your bathroom aesthetic while you keep your bum sparkling. We take pride in making the loo experience a magical one.

Comfort and Convenience

We get it. Not everyone has the privilege of mobility, but the autonomy to have that private zen time is priceless. Our Genie products have different levels of comfort to adapt to your needs without the need to complex movement or help.

Minimize Waste

While we still don’t have a magical toilet that disappears our waste, we certainly can limit it. Not only can we eliminate the use of toilet paper, but we provide a level of clean that TP simply doesn’t. 

According to Forbes (2023), the average US household uses 400 rolls per year. Depending on the brand you use, you can save hundreds of dollars annually when you stop using TP while using 1/8 of a gallon of water per flush.

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We have a GenieBidet for Everyone and Every Bum.

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